What is the first thing you think of when you see the word muzzle?
When most people think of dogs that need muzzles they think this:
I’m here to change that perception.
I’m here to tell you that all dogs should learn to wear a muzzle and why.
Having a dog muzzle conditioned can come in handy in a variety of situations.
Some dogs will eat anything and everything off the ground.
Rather than paying for an expensive vet visit or keeping your dog from going outside, you can teach Fido to wear a muzzle and have stress free walks. This doesn’t mean you stop teaching him not to eat things off the ground, it’s just a tool to help.
Dogs in pain are more likely to bite.
Whether it’s an unfortunate freak accident or a planned surgery, dogs are still animals and can be more defensive when they’re in pain. For the safety of everyone involved it’s very beneficial to have your dog already muzzle conditioned. Your vet will thank you.
Aggressive dogs need a safe way to socialize.
Dogs with aggression or aggressive tendencies can often live in very small worlds. This only makes the cycle worse, the dog doesn’t get to interact and then can never make new associations.
Muzzle Training Made Fun
Muzzle conditioning can be a lot of fun for both you and your dog.
The Muzzle Up Project is a great resource for owners looking to start muzzle conditioning, and I’ll throw in a few tips and tricks of my own.
First, I highly suggest a basket muzzle. They allow your dog to pant and drink water while they’re wearing it, making it more comfortable and safe to wear for longer periods of time.
Next, make it positive. I like to put peanut butter on the inside of the muzzle and let my dogs lick it out several times before I actually fasten it.
Once your dog is relatively accepting of the muzzle, make it a game! I like to have my dogs do tricks and race around the house.
Personal Success
My personal dogs have all been conditioned to wear muzzles. I started doing this because my first dog, Coconut, needed a way to interact with people safely. Read More
I have seen so many dogs and their people benefit from muzzles. From dogs who eat things off the ground to dogs who need a little help socializing safely, muzzles are great.
While it’s not a catch all, they can be very beneficial tools for training. I also suggest getting in touch with a good trainer who has experience in behavior modification if you’re looking to combat aggression.
Rather than judging dogs when they have a muzzle on, cheer them on in their training journey.
Have you muzzle trained? Leave a comment about why below.
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